Dear MCgroupies Here comes summary of MC group meeting on Jan 8 2009: - Announcements -announce opening of a new experimental postdoc position for the MC group -Interest from J. Huston&S. Mrenna on PDF4MC approach -outlined program for MC group, starting from PDF4MC fits using HERA data over validation of parton showers to tuning tevatron data - discussion about new meeting date, Thursday seems problematic for some. doodle page set up, please indicate, which date is best for you: PLEASE sign up there - it was recommended to send out wider invitations to the discussion weeks (Pheno-weeks) - PDF library (Z. Nagy) Zoltan presented his approach of a new C++ pdf library, including the latest pdf parametrisations - Announcements form Leader of Ana-Center Thomas pointed out again to combine efforts of the different groups of the Anacenter He will give a next Tuesday a DESY seminar on the ANA center - Grid school (B. Lobodzinski) Bogdan reported on discussions about a GRID school. The organizers of the GRIDKA school and people from IT are contacted and involved. For the details, please look at the slides of the talks at: Thanks a lot for contributing Cheers Hannes