Minutes of the MC group meeting on March 17, 2009. - Announcements:  - MC position is announced, please circulate the advertisement to those interested, deadline is end of April, as announced in the advertisement in CERN courier.  - We think of joining the iTunes U initiative for publishing the lectures of the MC school as MP4 in iTunes U. Many other universities publish their lectures already there. Have a look under: http://www.apple.com/education/guidedtours/itunesu.html?cid=ITS-ITUMAIN080829-CN4X9 We need to decided, wether we want to join there....  - PLEASE NOTE:    it was decided to move the day for the Monte Carlo group meetingto :    MONDAYS 10 -12, every second week - QCD vs. MC: Drell-Yan pT distribution  (Z. Nagy)   Zoltan gave an overview on the problems in comparing parton showers with analytical resummed calcuations. He developed a scheme, where the leading and next-to-leading log are properly trated in a parton shower. He argued, that small details on the kinematics can make a large effect. Next meeting is on: MONDAY, Mach 30, 10:00-12:00