Dear all, here is a summary of the MC group meeting on 13. March 2008. * Announcements Terascale Alliance has own EVO community now: Terascale Book now all meetings in this community. NAF news: own group on afs: /afs/ DESY fellowships: - a few people are interested joining as a post-doc MC group - ask for support in fellowship program ? MC position: DESY directorate has now agreed to advertise the MC position GENSER - Mikhail Kirsanov ask for help - implement additional test into GENSER - who can and will join ? MC school news: we have now 81 registrations * Summary report PDF4LHC workshop at CERN (K.Kutak) Interesting approaches to determine PDFs using neural networks Community is interested in PDF4MC approach, presented by K. Kutak Web address for workshop: * Preparation of MC school Now 81 participants school will be EVO and Video recorded - video will be in mp4 Planning for exercises starts (detailed planning next meeting) GENSER: - build and link executable using GENSER libs - investigate heavy quark (top) production - run generator and produce ROOT file - plot average charged multiplicity, average pt - plot pt and eta of heavy quark - calculate and plot pt of heavy quark pair - switch on/off: IPS, FPS - plot pt and eta of Higgs, W/Z - switch on/off: IPS, FPS RIVET: - compare HQ predictions with measurement at TeVatron user accounts on NAF * GENSER installation at DESY Serguei has managed to install all GENSER libraries at DESY (thanks ...) /afs/ Opportunity for even HERA experiments to use GENSER installation A. Borissov volunteered to test GENSER * AOB prepare for MC school at next meeting cheers Hannes