Physics at the Terascale Helmholtz Gemeinschaft
Physics at the Terascale Schools and Workshops LHC Precision Predictions for Pedestrians 2011  · 

LHC Precision Predictions for Pedestrians 2011

The 2011 School on "LHC Precision Predictions for Pedestrians" (LPPP11) is aimed at advanced Ph.D. students and young postdocs who want to learn more about the structure of predictions implemented in Monte Carlo generators or fixed-order calculations. The school - which takes place from 10 to 14 October 2011 in Freiburg - comprises lectures and hands-on tutorials on the following subjects:
- multi-purpose MC generators
- parton showers
- fixed-order calculations at NLO in QED, QCD, and the EW Standard Model
- matching of matrix elements and parton showers at LO and NLO
- PDFs and their usage in MC programmes and NLO calculations
- PDF error evaluation
- first LHC physics results

The exercises can be performed either on the participants' laptops, the home institute's machines or on the National Analysis Facility (NAF). In any case a laptop is necessary. Details will be announced in due time. Setup of the computing environment prior to the school is mandatory.

The school fee is 50 Euro and covers participation in the lectures and tutorials, all breaks and the school dinner; registration is via this web page.
For more information on the school, send an email to the Analysis Centre: .

Details can be found on the INDICO page.

